December 15 Land Auction

December 15 Land Auction

Great Western Auction and Realty is pleased to be working for Cody and Jennifer Miller to offer two tracts of productive farm ground northwest of Kingman, Kansas. Each tract is roughly 80 acres, and possession will take place at closing or at the conclusion of milo harvest, whichever is later.

Tract 1
The S1/2 of the SW1/4 of Section 11-27-9, Kingman County, Kansas

Tract 2
The S1/2 of the NE1/4 of Section 11-26-9, Reno County, Kansas

A low, 3% buyer's premium will be assessed. A bid on either tract will extend the bidding on both tracts until such time as 5 minutes elapse without a bid being received for the bidding to close. The properties will sell subject to seller's confirmation.

Bidding shall be per acre and for the purposes of bidding each tract shall be calculated at 80 acres, even though the exact tillable acres might be slightly less.

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Tract 1 in Kingman County
Tract 1 in Kingman County

Legal description
The S1/2 of the SW1/4 of Section 11-27-9, Kingman County, Kansas. View property on Google Maps.

Additional details
80+/- acres of productive farm ground. Abandoned railroad and tree grove have been removed. The entire 80 acres is now tillable. Possession at closing or after milo is harvested, whichever is later.

From Pennalosa, go 2 miles east to NW 90th Ave, then south 1 mile to NE 40th St. Tract 1 sits on the NE corner of the intersection.

Mineral rights
All of the sellers' mineral interest, believed to be 100%, will be conveyed with this tract.

Buyer's premium
A 3% buyer's premium will be added to the bid price to establish the contract price. For example, if the winning bid is $1000 per acre, the contract price will be $1030 per acre.




Bidding complete
Tract 2 in Reno County
Tract 2 in Reno County

Legal description
The S1/2 of the NE1/4 of Section 11-26-9, Reno County, Kansas. View property on Google Maps.

Additional details
80+/- acres of productive farm ground. Tree row along the south side of the property. Possession at closing or after milo is harvested, whichever is later.

From Langdon, go approximately 2 miles south on South Langdon Rd to West Parallel Rd. Take West Parallel Rd east approximately 3 miles to south Andre Rd. Go south on Andre Rd approximately 1.5 miles. The property is on the west side
of the road.

Mineral rights
The sellers own no mineral interest and none shall be conveyed. The auction is for surface rights only.

Buyer's premium
A 3% buyer's premium will be added to the bid price to establish the contract price. For example, if the winning bid is $1000 per acre, the contract price will be $1030 per acre.



Bidding complete